Sunday, July 27, 2008

summer training

So far my summer has been going pretty rock solid. Thanks to the plans my new coach sent me I have been able to set up a training schedule that works for me, month by month.

At the camp in July when they tested my VO2 max I got a nasty little surprise. The test showed that I was still over trained. I was pretty upset, to be honest. After all of the time I had taken off and how careful I had been to get enough sleep I was disappointed to be told that I still had the condition. The upside was that it confirmed that over training was what I was dealing with, not some obscure and more serious disease. Fish explained to me that I had to stay away from L4, which means no racing for now, and that I needed to be glued to my heart rate monitor. In the end I really am just hoping to be able to put the whole mess behind me.

Saturday is the triathlon. I realise that racing in it breaks the above mentioned <> decree, but I really don't know if this counts as a race. I'll be aiming to finish at a fast clip rather than hardcore sprinting to place. Dad and I went to preview the bike course today,which is the leg that I'll be performing. It was hilly, extremely hilly. I knew there were hills in that area, but I had no idea that the race organizers would string so many together! My legs will BURN by the time I am done! Still, I am looking forward to it, I think it should be really fun.