Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bridger to the M

On Sunday the team drove out to Bridger Ski Area and began one of the most intense four hours of my life. The plan was to climb up the ski slope and join up with a trail that runs along the ridge of the mountains. We would then follow that trail about 10 miles across several peaks and end up at the giant M.

It was very tough going to say the least. The very beginning was like climbing a slope at Granite Peak, but pretty soon we ran into a part that required some actual rock climbing. The boys headed almost straight up, while the girls (following Dan Campbell), went around a more winding way. It wasn't long before we heard a scream. Apparently Mackenzie had gone the first way, and somehow a rock had come loose and crushed her hand. Thankfully, Dan and several other members of the team were able to help her down and get her to the hospital in a timely manner. At last update she had successful surgery in Bozeman yesterday where among other things they put in a pin.

Meanwhile the rest of the team continued on. We got to the ridge in about 45min-1hr of climbing, and it was beautiful to say the least. Being so far up was frightening and amazing. Running along a rough trail no more than a half foot wide was terrifying. I couldn't decide which was worse, running up, which burned my quads, or running down, which was flirting with disaster as far as I was concerned. Late in the hike I would slip and land on my butt or roll a little and scratch up my legs. I even have a little hole in the shoulder of my chariots of cheese t-shirt. But despite all of this it was unbelievably fun and exhilarating. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I have been paying for it ever since, though. Everyone is just unbelievably sore. This morning Corrine and I went to the training center and soaked our legs in ice water. Lifting yesterday was ridiculous! Today was a rest day and it couldn't have been timed better.

1 comment:

Coach Gorzek said...

I don't suppose you brought a camara with? You should take some pictures from the bottom looking up so we can see your impressive accomplishment! It's good to know that you get to atleast have some adventures while working out hard.