Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Homestead Race and other stuff

This past week was an intensity week, and it was intense. We did all sorts of sprints and time trails, and I am tiered!
On Sunday the team went out to Homestead Lodge to participate in their second annual 5 mile run. The Lodge and trail system was set up by a former MSU skier and her husband. It was a beautiful area and the lodge was gorgeous. They use solar power too! As for the race itself, I thought it was tough! The first half was relatively flat on wider trails, while the second half had more extreme terrain. I started off running with two other girls from the team, Kailen and Jamie. Around mile 1 I was pushing pretty hard, but I felt good. Then Gretta came up behind us and yelled <> So they all took off and I was on my own. The rest of the race went alright, although I could probably have done a little better job of pacing myself! All in all I thought it was pretty fun and I am excited to try it again next year.
Mackenzie, the girl who had her hand smashed during the ridge hike, is back at school and doing really well. The surgery went well and recovery should take some 6 weeks or so. She is very upbeat and positive about the whole experience, and even comes to some practices, running and some weight lifting as her injury allows. She will show pictures of her hand to anyone who will agree to see them. Despite how well she is doing, she will still have to take this year as a medical red shirt, but considering what happened, she is very lucky.
Today has been a rest day, and the rest of this week will be medium volume. The weather here is fabulous and warm, but I am crossing my fingers for some snow soon!

1 comment:

ilean said...

I am not sure exactly what is going on, but the link to the msu nordic page isn't working. If you want to see bios of some of my teammates go to msunordic.blogspot.com