Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Time Trial and Other Such Stuff

Last week's rest week finished off nicely. I went on a hike on Saturday and on Sunday the team went to Cottonwood Canyon for a long run. It was so beautiful. The trees were all changing color and there was a little river we crossed a handful of times.
This week has been intensity. And it has lived up to it's name. Monday we started out with a set of intervals. First we ran out to the trail system, maybe 15 or 20 minutes away. Then we did a couple of spenst drills. The intervals then were 1 minute of bounding up this killer hill. I could not even believe it. My lungs burned, my limbs kind of gave out on me, and that was only the first one!
Tuesday wasn't much, just a little 45 minute run, but this morning we had a time trial. The course was a 4k loop of nice blacktop in who-knows-where. It starts out with a series of hills that build on each other, than a gradual downhill into a long flat that takes you back to the start, so all in all, nothing terrible. It took me 14:11 to complete. The hills were hard to convince yourself to keep pushing through, and the flat was tricky just because I didn't know what technique would be best. Overall though, I think I put in my best effort and I am happy with the result.
The rest of the week will look something like this: Thursday is spenst at the stadium, Friday is classic rollerskiing for maybe an hour and a half. Saturday is some sort of long over distance workout, and then Sunday the team will go to a little running race, 5k or 5 miles, no one seems to know.
As far as classes go, I turned in my first paper on Monday and yesterday I had my first test-math, and it was bad. I have another test on Friday in chemistry, and hopefully that one will go better!


John said...

What's a "spenst" drill?

ilean said...

Spenst drills are a series of a couple different jumping excersizes done up a gradual hill or set of stairs. I always knew of them as plyos before. We do things like single leg hops and double leg hops, skating motions and classic motions. They really burn your legs but everywhere I go coaches just rave about them, so they must be doing something good!