Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I mentioned that this next week would be intensity. I had no idea exactly how correct that was. We did something like 7 sets of intervals over 10 days. To name a few we ran all out for 20 minutes (25 min boys), we did bounding intervals, then classic roller ski relays and something called natural intervals, which to me are anything but. To me it seems pretty intuitive to sprint down the hills and take it easy up, but I guess it is the opposite....

At any rate it actually ended up being pretty rewarding if nothing else (productive I am hoping, but who knows). On Sunday we were supposed to do a pursuit style session where we all were timed around a 5ish minute loop, then sent off slowest to fastest for another go. In total the team ended up sprinting the race some four or five times. I dropped out after the first time though. I felt a really deep muscle fatigue different than just being tiered, I was beat. So I stopped, which I still feel really bad about to be honest. I realise it was probably ok to stop when I did, but I still feel like I wimped out to some degree.

This week is recovery. Yesterday we had a one hour run, and today we had nothing-not even weights. Tomorrow we will get back to it with some roller skiing. I wish we were really skiing, but it won't be long! West Yellowstone is coming up in something like 9 days!!

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